VSCode Jupyter Notebook Keyboard ShortCuts

1 min readDec 7, 2020


I organized the keyboard shortcuts in VScode when using Jupyter Notebook.

I referred to VScode documentation.(https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/python/jupyter-support)

  • Ctrl+S : Save
  • ESC : Change the cell mode
  • A : Add a cell above
  • B : Add a cell below
  • J or down arrow key : Change a cell to below
  • K or up arrow key : Change a cell to above
  • Ctrl+Enter : Run the currently selected cell
  • Shift+Enter : Run the currently selected cell and insert a new cell immediately below (focus moves to new cell)
  • Alt+Enter : Run the currently selected cell and insert a new cell immediately below (focus remains on current cell)
  • dd : Delete a selected cell
  • z : Undo the last change
  • M : switch the cell type to Markdown
  • Y : switch the cell type to code
  • L : Enable/Disable line numbers

Please let me know if there is something that has to be changed.

